Cow Cheese Mastelo®

There’s no better way to taste Chios than Mastelo® the rightful king of grilling cheese.

The salty, semi hard cheese Mastelo® hails from Chios Island and has a high melting point that makes it suitable to grill. Taste it in a pita with tomato, red onion, lettuce, and tzatziki, where the substantial cheese provides a filling, salty base for the fresh vegetables and tangy, cooling sauce.

Cow cheese Mastelo® is loved for its robust texture and deeply savory flavor – plus for its capacity to be grilled, barbecued or fried without losing its shape. You can be sure to fall in love once you taste it, with its meaty and enjoyably rubbery texture, versatility and umami flavor. 27gr fat, 44% humidity and 1,6gr salt.

Grilled cow cheese Mastelo®

This cheese is a sturdy enough beast to withstand being cooked over coals. Anoint a slice with a little olive oil, a squeeze of lemon too if you like and cook on the barbecue grill for 3-5 mins, each side, until golden and a little charred on all sides.


The simplest way to cook Mastelo® is to just fry slices in a dry non-stick frying pan. You don’t need any oil and in fact dry-frying helps create a lovely golden crust on the outside of the cheese whilst the inside will be soft and squishy and ready to serve it


Mastelo® is also great baked – add slices to an ovenproof dish and drizzle with olive oil and herbs or spices. It’ll need about 10-15 minutes in a 200C/fan 180C/gas 6 oven. The cheese soaks up the flavors whilst baking so it’s an easy way to add extra flavor to your dishes.